Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Every four (now two) years since I can remember, my family has watched Olympic events broadcasted on television. Never mind that we only watch one or two of these sports during non-Olympic years. When the Olympics are on, suddenly my family becomes fanatics about every sport competed!

I know there are still several days of competition left, but I'm over it. I have Olympic burnout! Enough coverage. I haven't even watched the online coverage and I'm done. I just can't absorb any more of it. I watched the swimming and gymnastics. The two sports I care most about during the Summer Games. They're over and I don't think I can handle all the Track and Field that remains, plus the team sports that are still going!

I'm so tired of watching sports that I don't even want to watch college football right now. The season starts in a couple weeks and I've been looking forward to it all spring and summer! And what is with all the Manning commercials for ESPN? Enough! I get it, they're the quarterback dynasty of the NFL. I can only hope my burnout doesn't extend into the college football season.

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